Which advises you will get :
Your 'Five Elements' analysis, Life Element and 'Four Pillars Eight Characters'
analysis, Fiev Elements prefer and avoid, Five
Elements Weighting chart
Special Feng Shui crystal for your personal according
to the practice of "Crystal Feng Shui" theory
Your personal compatible and incompatible Feng Shui objects, materials, decorations
and arrangements
Your personal Lucky colour scheme and unlucky colour
scheme, prefer personal animal sign and which animal sign you should avoid
. Your personal prosperious and money location,
love and relationship location, health and longevoty location, career and good luck
location according to your own Life Kua and Five Elements Weighting
. Your specified queries to be analyzed and
answer, eg. relationship, career, money luck, etc.
All advises and suggestions will be e-mail to you
within 1 week (if you are requested in urgent), or send to you
by mail within 2 weeks
A FREE report of your owner personal psychokinetic (PK) Lucky cycle dates for next 12 months will also be
> What do we want from you :
To help you to achieve best Feng Shui advises, Master Tsui need the following
details please.
Your full name with gender, date of birth (with time if know), where of born (city
& Country)
Your contact address with postcode, phone/fax number, e-mail address |